Lecture 15: Monism; The Scientific Study of The Nature of The Human’s Nature

Thursday, Feb. 12, 2009, 7:30 pm.
Dr Asadi





By: Taghi Asadi Kimyai, MD

Neurologist, Washington Hospital


This lecture includes a brief review of the evolution of the human thoughts about the nature of his own mind. Dr. Asadi will talk about the human genetic structure, proteins as building block of life, then he will discuss the structure of human brain. The division of labor of the brain and some slides showing images of the working brain in active human are other parts of this presentation. It will be shown how neurologists’ studies suggest that there is no need for any metaphysical phenomenon in the brain. In other words, there is no receptor in the brain for the metaphysics. Every action or thought has a center in the brain and the brain is sophisticated enough to do everything we do.

About the Lecturer:
Dr. Taghi Asadi is an adult neurologist, specialized in diseases of the nervous system (brain, spinal cord, nerves and muscles). His subspecialty is electro-diagnostic medicine, which is the study of electrical activities of the brain, the nervous system and the muscles. He is also interested in “Cognitive Science”, which is the study of human’s behavior, and thoughts. The latter is the basis of this lecture, which is an introduction to his recent book “Creation and Evolution of Human’s Brain and Psych”. This book has more than 40 chapters dealing with most aspects of human’s mind and psych, from the big bang to present. He graduated from Tehran University, Medical School in 1974. Then he moved to US and studied for 4 years in medicine and neurology here and one more year in Canada. He has 27 years of professional experience both in Iran and US. 5 years of academic work at the “Shahid Beheshti University” of Tehran and 22 years as a neurologist in Washington, DC. He is author of a text book in Neurology.


Montgomery Community College (Rockville Campus)- Humanity Building (HU), Conference Room 009

Get Directions, Bulding Location on Campus

Dues: $15 per person, $5 for students (including dinner)