Lecture 115: Extracellular Vesicles: An unbelievable journey of evolution, cargo delivery and disease progression


When:  January 25th, 2023 at 6:30-9:30 PM Eastern Time


Montgomery College Rockville: Cafeteria: Faculty Dining Room
Campus Center: CC 158
(Get Directions Campus Map)



Speaker:  Fatah Kashanchi, Ph.D.

Language: Parsi/English


For the past eighteen years Kashanchi lab has been interested in understanding the mechanism of viral gene expression in human viruses and how the virus and the host control the dynamics of fundamental machineries needed for viral replication and/or host survival. They also have ample experience with biochemical pathways that leads to transcription and chromatin remolding using in vitro reconstituted machineries. These complexes with epigenetic modifications utilize host signaling events and therapeutic targets that control viral replication. In recent years, they have also started focusing on Extracellular vesicles (i.e., exosomes) mainly from latent virally infected cells. These cells remain in the body for a long period of time can be extended to the life of a person (i.e., CNS cells). These latent cells produce exosomes that carry markers of the infection including RNA and protein sequences specific to a given virus.

Exosomes are small vesicles, 30–120 nm in length, released from all cell types in the body, can be found in various bodily fluids, such as semen and urine and are transported through the bloodstream and the lymphatic system. They are formed by inward folding of the endosomal membrane to form multivesicular bodies (MVBs), a process carried out by the endosomal sorting complex.  They have recently found distinct markers (RNA and proteins) from T-cell vs. Myeloid exosomes that may control recipient cell gene expression1.

The Kashanchi lab, for the first time, showed that viral release and exosome release have overlapping biogenesis in the ESCRT pathway.  For instance, HIV-1 latent cells utilize ESCRT-I for viral release, and ESCRT-II for exosomal release.  Using in vitro and in vivo (both patient samples and animal models), the lab has found that exosomes from HIV-1 infected cells carry short non-coding RNAs (i.e., TAR) which regulate TLR3 and other pathways in the recipient cells. This data also implies that endogenous retroviruses may have a similar mode of action in their gene expression by expressing short non-coding RNAs that no only regulate the donor cells, but also the recipient cells through the exosomes transfer pathway.  The infected cells (in presence of antiretroviral drugs or innate immune molecules) still secret exosomes that contain viral products including TAR, TAR-Gag RNA, and Nef protein1-7.

Similar results were also observed from other neuro-tropic RNA viral infections including HTLV-1, Ebola, RVFV, and Zika infection. More recently data from HTLV-1 infected HAM/TSP patient showed that exosomes isolated from patient PBMCs (25/35) in ex vivo cultures were Tax positive and patient CSF (7/11) contained Tax+ exosomes but not in HTLV-1 seronegative MS donors (0/5), despite the absence of viral detection in the CSF supernatant. Furthermore, exosomes cultivated from HAM/TSP PBMCs were capable of sensitizing target cells for HTLV-1 specific CTL lysis8.

Collectively, data from Kashanchi lab (which has been viewed favorably by NIH as evident by issuing RFAs9) on exosomes both latent and persistent viral infections (5 RNA viruses tested so far), indicate secretion of exosomes that contain various viral components (RNA and/or proteins), all of which affect the immune cells by either destroying or activating T-cells. Broader implications of these findings in the context of diagnostic and vaccine development are currently under development in the lab.


References related to Exosomes:

  1. Narayanan, A. et al., 2013
  2. Jaworski, E. et al., 2014
  3. Sampey, G., et al., 2014
  4. Sampey, G., et al., 2016
  5. DeMarino, C., et al. 2016
  6. Barclay, R., et al. 2017
  7. DeMarino, C., et al. 2018
  8. Anderson, M., et al. 2018
  9. RFA- MH-16-100; RFA-MH-16-110


About the Speaker: 

Dr. Kashanchi received his Ph.D. in 1990 under the supervision of Dr. Charles Wood who also worked with the Nobel Laurite, Dr. Susumu Tonegawa at MIT. He then moved to National Cancer Institute at NIH’s intramural program and continued his work on RNA viral infections.  He is currently a Tenured Faculty in the department of Systems Biology at the Prince William Campus of George Mason University.  He has obtained independent funding of more than $19.6 M in funding (NIH, DOD, DOE, and Keck) since his departure from NIH in 2000. He has published 263 peer-reviewed manuscripts (h index = 68), and served as an editorial board and reviewer for number of journal including Cell, Molecular Cell, Nature, Nature Medicine, Science Translational Medicine, Retrovirology, JBC, J. Virol, Virology, NAR, and 4 PLoS journals. He is a regular NIH study section member and has served on 159 panels and chaired 17 since 2000.

18th Annual IAAP Scholarship Award Ceremony

Dear IAAP Member,
You are invited to the 18th Annual IAAP Scholarship Award Ceremony.

When: Saturday, March 26, 2022, 6:00 pm – 8:15 pm
Location: Virtual Via Zoom

Meeting ID: 811 5331 2121
Passcode: IAAP2022



  • 6:00 Launch Zoom
  • 6:10 Opening remarks, Aram Hessami, Vice President for Planning
  • 6:25 Intro to IAAP, Aram Hessami and Manouchehr Farkhondeh
  • 6:40 The Dr. Toorany Memorial Scholarship, M. Farkhondeh
  • 6:45 The 2021 scholarship report, Hessam Yazdani, Chair of the IAAP Scholarship Committee
  • 7:00 Awards ceremony and presentations, 2021 awardees and major donors
  • 8:15 Adjourn

The IAAP Scholarship webpage https://iaapdc.org/the-2021-scholarship-cycle/

Lecture 114: Chronic Pain Management: Then, Now and Into the Future


When:  December 17, 2021, 07:00 PM Eastern Time


Link:  https://howard.zoom.us/j/81345755351?pwd=UjBqYUNFT1RoaGJlK3ZGOHpkOXhOQT09
Meeting ID: 813 4575 5351
Passcode: 24682468


Speaker:  Mehrdad Michael Massumi, MD
                 Massumi Associates

Language: Parsi/English


Chronic pain affects one out of five Americans. It ranks as the most expensive malady in healthcare economic analyses. It leads to significant disability and co-morbidities such as depression and other diseases.

Treatment of chronic pain has been historically intertwined with the use of opioids. Hence the current troubles in our country with opioids in the management of chronic pain syndromes.

The talk will provide a quick historical backdrop of the development of Pain Management as a specialty field in medicine, the pharmacologic and interventional methods of treatment, and the directions in which future care of the chronic pain patient will be advancing. Alternatives to opioids are increasing – both in terms of medications and interventional techniques – and these will be reviewed.

Both the lay and professional medical audience should find the subject matter and contents of use as we all need to promote best practices in the management of patients suffering such long-term maladies.


About the Speaker: 

Mehrdad Michael Massumi, MD is a board-certified specialist in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and a Diplomate of the American Academy of Integrative Pain Management.

After graduation with honors from the University of Birmingham Medical School, the United Kingdom in 1982 and two years of surgical residency training at the Washington Hospital Center in Washington, D.C. he undertook and successfully concluded his residency in Rehabilitation Medicine in Seattle, WA in 1988. He remains active at the Harvard Postgraduate Medical Association since 2006.

Dr. Massumi has been in practice for thirty-three years in Maryland. He was the founder or director of many Rehabilitation, Spine and Pain clinics at a number of Baltimore Metropolitan hospitals. He is a former clinical faculty of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at Johns Hopkins Medical School. Currently, he is in private practice in Towson, MD and more recently also in Rockville, MD. He is active at the Maryland State Medical Society, Montgomery County Medical Society, and the International Association for Regenerative Therapy.

In his thirty-three years of practice of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Pain Management in Maryland, Dr. Massumi has treated over 14,000 patients. Patients are from Maryland and other States and countries.