Lecture 52: Cyber Warfare

Date & Time: Thursday August 9, 2012 – 7:30 PM

Location: Montgomery Community College (Rockville Campus) – Humanity Building (HU), Conference Room 009 (Get Directions, Campus Map )

Speaker: Armin Kiany

Language: FarsiArmin Kiany


As the world ever increasingly relies on technology for everything from entertainment to the functioning of sophisticated industrial operations, the battlefield of the future will evolve to take advantage of this growing dependency. Nations and criminal organizations are developing capabilities to wage cyber warfare against unsuspecting and unprepared adversaries. This talk will walk you through a short history and the landscape of cyber warfare, its battlefields, worriers, techniques and motivations deriving it forward.

About the Speaker:

Armin Kiany earned his BS in Electrical Engineering from University of Maryland, and is a Sr. software developer in the DC area. He started his own online marketing firm in 2007 which has served many of fortune 500 companies. Armin has written a number of popular online applications and free educational tools that are embraced by companies such as Google. Additionally, Armin is a regular contributor to a number of open source projects and has acted as a consultant for government projects.

Fee (including dinner): $5 Students, $15 Public

RSVP: Please click here to RSVP for dinner.