Lecture 111: COVID-19 Vaccines & Safety Considerations


When:  March 12, 2021, 07:00 PM Eastern Time


Link:  Zoom Link Removed
Meeting ID: 813 4575 5351
Passcode: 24682468


Speaker:  Ali Hamidi, M.D.

Language: English


These days many of the efforts are around fixing a big issue that paralyzed almost all nations. A huge number of people got affected, many lost their lives or loved ones, and businesses went under the water and as such made the world even a more unsafe place to live. But the bright side of it is the fact that science took a tremendous step and in less than 9 months vaccines were developed and made available (a process that usually takes years). In this lecture, we want to briefly review and familiarize ourselves with the different types of covid-19 vaccines that are available and compare their safety and efficacy, and finally answering a common question: should we get a vaccine at this moment, or is better off to wait?


About the Speaker:

Dr. Hamidi is a safety physician with extensive clinical experience, research, and medical education who has served in the clinic, academia, and industry. His fields of interest and expertise include patient safety in drug development(pharmacovigilance), especially in the field of Oncology. Dr. Hamidi’s past work and positions in Iran include private medical offices and clinics; Senior emergency physician at Shariati hospital, CCU attending physician at  Sina Heart Center; and Research physician at Royan Institute. His positions in the U.S. include Director of clinical research Excel Diagnostics and Nuclear Oncology Center, Houston, TX (2012-2018); and professor of western medicine at American College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM), Houston, TX. He is currently working in the pharma industry as a Global safety physician.

Lecture Slides L111 – Ali Hamidi (PowerPoint-85MB)

Video Lecture Zoom Recording (passcode: Ecmc&m*6)